Sunday School and Youth Group/Religion Classes will begin in September! All children Kindergarten through 12th grade should be enrolled in Religious Education. Please enroll your child(ren) as soon as possible so we can make adequate arrangements for books, supplies, classrooms, and teachers.
Enrollment Forms can be found:
† On this page
† By attending the enrollment dates in the new parish hall
Wednesday, August 21st & 28th, 3pm-8pm
Saturday, August 24, after Mass
Sunday, August 25, after Masses
† At the parish office
The cost is $25/student, which covers book costs and supplies. If you have 3 or more children, please see me regarding a family discount.
Please bring your forms and the $25 per child registration fee with you when you attend one of the enrollment dates.
Important Sacrament Information
For your child to be in First Communion Class or Confirmation, they have to have attend Religous Education Classes at least one year prior to entering into a sacramental class. (With no more than 5 absences) A meeting with the DRE, the student and at least one parent is required to enroll.
Please do not wait to register your child until classes begin. Much planning has to be done before we can start.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Yours in Christ,
Sandy Murray
(405) 368-9397